Having a relationship with brokers can be essential to your dispatching career. It is very important to have and maintain a good rapport with brokers. This relationship plays such a vital role because Dispatchers need Brokers, and Brokers need Dispatchers.
When building relationships between broker and dispatcher always remember whatever you start out doing is what will be expected of you throughout. If you are upfront and honest with the broker then the broker will be comfortable to run loads with you knowing that you will get the job done. This is why a lot of brokers now in their setup packages ask for references. This is to check out your track record from someone that you have dealt with.
When getting details of the load you should always make sure that you have the complete details before quoting a rate. If you don’t have the complete details you could find out later on it weighs more, or has more miles. Once you have accepted the rate, it’s taboo to recant the rate for more. A broker holds you to your rate and that holds you to your word.
If your driver isn’t unloaded yet, be upfront. Don’t tell them that they are and later say they didn’t make the appointment. A lot of times appointments can be changed when you let them know ahead of time. Ask is this the latest time for pickup? Give the broker an opportunity to arrange another time if able. If you are not upfront and the load is picked up late it can cause a late fee, you not to get loaded, and or a bad taste in the broker’s mouth.
Yes, I know we have brokers that will tell you anything to get you to take the load. Well, my theory on that is that someone has to be a stand-up person. With time and experience, you will be able to hear the foolery as soon as it comes out of their mouth. With time and experience, you will know what shippers stay late, and who receives early. Time and experience will allow you to be a stand-up dispatcher and still know how to deal with these brokers.
If you have a breakdown on in route to pick up or delivery, notify the broker. The last thing you want is for the broker to get a call from their customer asking where the truck is. This will cause chain reactions. If the breakdown can be fixed quickly and the driver can still make it let them know. If it is something that will need some time to fix let them know. The broker will respect you more for just being upfront and honest with them.